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The Wayfarer for July, 2022

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The Wayfarer for June 2022

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The Wayfarer for May 2022

The Wayfarer for April 2022

Holy Week and Easter 2022 Holy Week and Easter are rapidly approaching. April 10 is Palm Sunday. As is our tradition, we will begin our Palm Sunday observance in the courtyard, weather permitting. We will then process to the nave, …
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The Wayfarer for March 2022

Lent 2022 Here we are at another Season of Lent. I won’t say that I enjoy Lent, as such, but I do appreciate it. I do enjoy our Wednesday nights, which will be taking place this year. Download PDF for …
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The Wayfarer for February 2022

It has been said that there is a Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. Whether that is really a curse in Chinese is debatable, but it certainly rings true. We live in interesting times, and I would just …
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